Cannot get certain FTA channels

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Vu+ Newbie

Newbie question, apologies if it is dumb or covered elsewhere (but if it is I can't find it).
Based in middle of Ireland, I am a long time FTA Sky Satellite user with fixed dish quad lnb. I have no problems with my old sky box and another combo box picking up any FTA channels from the sky satellite.
Just bought a VU Solo2 SE (Clone I think) with BH2.1.7 image preinstalled.
I've performed several full scan's removing the lists each time but keep getting the same problem which is:
I can get reception on many FTA channels with no issues, namely -> BBC1 NI, BBC2 NI, C5, 5USA, C4HD, Film4, ITV4 etc
However, I cannot get reception for these (even though I get them on my other boxes) -> C4, C4+1, E4, More4 etc. The screen is blank when I go to these channels. The SNR % for each of these displays as 90-91% and I get the channel listings for them.

So I'm confused as to why I get most of the FTA channels but a select few (which happen to be some of our favourites!) will not display.

All help greatly appreciated.

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