cant record after upgrade


Vu+ Newbie
hi yesterday i upgraded vu duo from bh1.7.9 lite to bh2.0.2 rev a straight away my usb dvb t problem was sorted but other problems have arisen ,i cant record to my internal hdd which is mounted because permanent timeshift is working but when i try to record i get message "couldnt record due to invalid service " plus a load of numbers " 1;0;19;52D0;814;211c0000;0;0;0" thats one set differant each recording i try. also i am not getting a lot of epg data, i have a 2 partition 32gb usb stick mounted as \universe (29 gb) and usb media (2 and a bit gb) ,i have a 128 mb swapfile and epg data going to the 2 and a bit partition, and have set up avalon in teleportation using the 29 gb universe one,i have the on demand, ice , 1 channel and permanent time shift plugins installed and a couple that i cant talk about... all working..... except recording and epg issues . wont record anything not even fta.
i am completly stumped because before i added avalon and all plugins i checked that hdd was recording because this is my 2nd attempt at bh2.0.2 rev a. ... 1st time i installed autobouquets maker but every channel in the bouquet was empty (channel name was there but kept getting a message check tuner settings ) if you pressed red button (all) those channels worked and couldnt mount hdd so had to reinstall original vu image to format and mount hdd before i started yesterday.
does not sound like same problems i was having , i never had a green screen, ive had to go back to 1.7.9 should have tried removing permanent timeshift first ...maybe 3rd time lucky