Change recording space


Vu+ User
Hi all, where you can change the capacity of hard disk to increase the size of the recording space. A greeting and thank you very much. Sorry for my English.

or otherwise has no recording limit
Hi all, where you can change the capacity of hard disk to increase the size of the recording space. A greeting and thank you very much. Sorry for my English.

or otherwise has no recording limit
There is not space limit for recording.
Hi all, where you can change the capacity of hard disk to increase the size of the recording space. A greeting and thank you very much. Sorry for my English.

or otherwise has no recording limit

The only recording size limit is defined by filesystem used on your HDD unit.
The partition type used on BH images is Ext3.
On this wikipedia page you can find the file size limit for this filesystem.

Did anyone tried to use successfully Barryallen with this image. If so which BA version worked.

For those who use DVD player

you need to download DVD player and Hotplug
(for this pls do not use packet managment download in software managment)

But USE :

Main Menu>> Plugins>> Red button Manage Extensions>>

DVD player from Multimedia panel and hotplug from System panel
in Manage Extensions.
Ok, many thanks to all for your response. Now I'm more relaxed. A greeting and congratulations more piece of work. Without doubt the best Team.