Change standard behavior (When channel was choosen) ...


Vu+ Newbie
I use + or - button to call the channel list.
When I choose the channel from the list and push "OK" button the list of channels disappears. And I see the channel in a full secrren mode. Is it possible (by any plugin, skin or any control set) to change this behavior? And don't hide the list of channels after pressing "OK". I mean to remain in the list and display the choosen programme in preview mode (like after pushing + or - firstly).
Sorry, I'm new to VU+. What is "addons server"?
Does it possible to install this plugin directly from the VU+ box?
Sorry, I'm new to VU+. What is "addons server"?
Does it possible to install this plugin directly from the VU+ box?
Yes, I assume you are using Black Hole image as you are on the Black Hole board ? :D
Press green button and then yellow button to access addons, of course you box must be connected to the internet.
Sure. I'm using BH 1.6.6. Pauli Neutrino plugin changes only button.
But the question was about interface. Is it possible don't hide the channel list when I press "OK"?
Sure. I'm using BH 1.6.6. Pauli Neutrino plugin changes only button.
But the question was about interface. Is it possible don't hide the channel list when I press "OK"?

When U @Channel list and press Ok its Zap to the one channel chosen!
All STB has this function as default!

Can U make the Q?,,,more clear!
He means the same as the way the Graphical EPG with PIG works.

With the EPG on screen, when you press Red to Zap, it keeps the EPG on the screen, just changes the channel in the PIG.
When U @Channel list and press Ok its Zap to the one channel chosen!
All STB has this function as default!

Can U make the Q?,,,more clear!

The sonc explained (the post above). To keep @Channel list on screen when press OK. Just changes the channel in the PIG (small pictore or picture on backgrounf. Depends on skin).