Changing image on Vu+ Zero

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Vu+ Newbie
Hi there,

I recently bought the Vu+ Zero and after unpacking and switching it on I had requested the wrong image. It has OpenVix when I was really after the Blackhole image.

I tried downloading the latest BH image off the forum and just can't seem to get it to install. I have tried different 8GB USBs like suggested on the forums and just will not work.

The light on the front of the box just keeps pulsating when I have read it should start flashing when completed. I have followed all the instructions and can only get the BH image to appear first then it loads with the WOS OpenVix software.

Please help!!

Kind regards,
Try downloading the image again:
Or an earlier Black Hole image.

unzip, unrar, the image, using winzip, winrar, or the free 7-zip, and palce the vuplus folder on your newly Fat 32, formatted, USB stick.

Power off the VU+ Zero, using the switch, at the rear, and insert your USB stick, in the rear USB socket.
Switch on the VU+ Zero and the White LED light, on the front left, should start pulsing.
When it's finished loading the pulsing should change to a blinking light, meaning the iomage has loaded.
You now switrch off the VU+ Zero, at the rear, remove the USB stick, and switch it on again.

You might want to back up your channel list, using dreamboxedit, before you load a new image, which will wipe out all your settings.
Thanks for your response Mick. The mad thing is I found an old USB stick which was 512MB and voila that seems to have done the trick. Just trying to figure out how to install cams onto it now.
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