Changing /Modifying TTX subtitle position and size ?

Don Andres

BH Lover
I have the following problem with TTX subtitles when there is Miltilingual translation , for instance if the film is english and somebody speaks chinese , the english subtitles appear about in the middle of the TV screen ( a little bit lower ) . ( have attached screen for ilustration )
Since I'm scandinavian I have activated as well norwegian TTX subtitles which are simultaniously displayed with the english ones , all this result in a totally unreadable
Is is possible to adjust , define a lower /left position for TTX subtitles and at the same time move the separate lines closer somewhere in skin.xml and if so which lines and where should be edited ?


  • SUB TTX.jpg
    SUB TTX.jpg
    129.3 KB · Views: 68
There are 2 files in /usr/share/enigma2 :
Which of those should be edited ? I'm using the "Default skin " which comes originnaly with BH 2.0.2b
In the skin_default.xml there is section for subitles, which looks like this :

<!-- Subtitle selection -->
<!--<screen name="Subtitles" position="center,center" size="380,285" title="Subtitle selection">
<widget name="config" position="10,10" zPosition="1" size="360,275" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" />
<!-- Subtitle area -->
<screen name="SubtitleDisplay" position="0,0" size="720,576" zPosition="-1" flags="wfNoBorder" backgroundColor="transparent" />
<!-- TextBox -->
<screen name="TextBox" position="center,center" size="550,400" title="Message...">
<widget name="text" position="0,0" size="540,390" font="Regular;18" />
<!--widget source="text" render="Label" position="0,0" size="540,390" font="Regular;18" /-->
Or maybe here in "skin.xml" :

<!-- ##### AA100 COLORS-FONTS-SUBTITLES-BORDER ##### -->
<output id="0">
<resolution xres="1280" yres="720" bpp="32" />
<!-- AA101 Colors (#AARRGGBB) -->
<color name="background" value="#25101010"/>
<color name="foreground" value="#dddddd"/>
<color name="white" value="#ffffff"/>
<color name="grey" value="#8F8F8F"/>
<color name="darkgrey" value="#666666"/>
<color name="dark" value="#25102748" />
<color name="black" value="#000000"/>
<color name="red" value="#ff0d0d"/>
<color name="green" value="#009a00"/>
<color name="hellgreen" value="#2256C856" />
<color name="yellow" value="#bab329"/>
<color name="blue" value="#0035ff"/>
<color name="transparent" value="#ffffffff"/>
<color name="transparent2" value="#ff000000"/>
<color name="transpBlack" value="#14101010"/>
<color name="transp#999999" value="#77ffffff"/>
<color name="transpGrey" value="#41444444"/>
<color name="transpyellow" value="#33bab329"/>
<!--AA102 Fonts -->
<font filename="Army_Regular_L.ttf" name="Regular" scale="95" />
<font filename="Army_Bold_G.ttf" name="RegularAA" scale="100" />
<font filename="army-digital.ttf" name="LCD" scale="100" />
<font filename="goodtime.ttf" name="OLED" scale="100" />
<font filename="tuxtxt.ttf" name="Console" scale="100" />
<font filename="ae_AlMateen.ttf" name="Replacement" scale="90" replacement="1"/>
<font filename="nmsbd.ttf" name="Display" scale="100"/>
<!-- AA103 Subtitle effects -->
<sub name="Subtitle_TTX" font="Regular;32" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="3,3" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Regular" font="Regular;32" foregroundColor="#DCDCDC" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="3,3" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Bold" font="Replacement;32" foregroundColor="#DCDCDC" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="3,3" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Italic" font="Regular;32" foregroundColor="#DCAAAA" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="3,3" />
<!-- omitting foregroundColor attribute will enable auto-assignment of color -->
<!-- AA104 Subtitles -->
<screen name="Subtitles" position="center,center" size="710,460" title="Subtitle selection">
<widget name="config" position="20,20" zPosition="1" size="670,400" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" />
<!--AA105 Subtitle Display -->
<screen name="SubtitleDisplay" position="0,0" size="1280,720" zPosition="-1" flags="wfNoBorder" backgroundColor="transparent">
Little bit OT ,
In VTI image there is a "subtitle " section in the menu , where an user can change parameters like : color, posotion, font size ( ref : attached screens)
Is it really dificult to implement something simular in BH ? Sory, I' not expert , but it would be really good to have this choice in Black Hole as well .


  • SUB 1.jpg
    SUB 1.jpg
    529.5 KB · Views: 136
  • Sub 2.jpg
    Sub 2.jpg
    402 KB · Views: 125
Default skin Blackhole 2.0.2


Line 75 to 78 change number 30 to 36 size

Line 85 position subtitle

SubtitleDisplay position = "0,55"

0 - right lift subtitle

55 - up down subtitle

restart enigma2


تم الإرسال بواسطة iPhone5 Gold 24ct Edition بإستخدام Tapatalk
<sub name="Subtitle_TTX" font="Regular;38" foregroundColor="#ffffff" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="-3,-3" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Regular" font="Regular;38" foregroundColor="#ffffff" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="-3,-3" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Bold" font="Replacement;40" foregroundColor="#ffffff" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="-3,-3" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Italic" font="Regular;38" foregroundColor="#ffffff" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="-3,-3" />

size subtitle 36

<sub name="Subtitle_TTX" font="Replacement;36" foregroundColor="white3" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="3,5" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Regular" font="Replacement;36" foregroundColor="white3" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="3,5" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Bold" font="Replacement;36" foregroundColor="white3" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="3,5" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Italic" font="Replacement;36" foregroundColor="white3" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="3,5" />

position subtitle 30 up/down

<screen name="SubtitleDisplay" position="0,30"
Is anyone who can help changing subtitle size in the default skin of the latest version?
here is the code in the skin.xml file (lines 2120 -2142)

<screen name="Subtitles" position="30,120" size="820,850" title="Subtitle Selection">
<widget name="config" position="20,20" size="780,800" font="Regular;48" itemHeight="40" enableWrapAround="1" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" foregroundColor="button" backgroundColor="bgbutton" backgroundColorSelected="selbutton" backgroundPixmap="skin_default/menu/bg820x40.png" selectionPixmap="skin_default/menu/button820x40.png" transparent="1"/>
<sub name="Subtitle_TTX" font="Regular;50" foregroundColor="#ffffff" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="4,4" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Regular" font="Regular;50" foregroundColor="#ffffff" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="4,4" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Bold" font="Replacement;50" foregroundColor="#ffffff" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="4,4" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Italic" font="Regular;50" foregroundColor="#ffffff" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="4,4" />
<screen name="SubtitleDisplay" position="0,0" size="1920,1080" zPosition="-1" flags="wfNoBorder" backgroundColor="transparent"/>
<screen name="TimerEdit" position="135,120" size="1650,840" title="Timer Edit">
<widget name="description" position="15,15" size="1620,60" font="Regular;32"/>
<widget name="lbegin" position="907,153" size="154,45" font="Regular;32" foregroundColor="red"/>
<widget name="lend" position="907,237" size="154,45" font="Regular;32" foregroundColor="green"/>
<widget name="begin" position="708,157" size="108,45" font="Regular;32"/>
<widget name="end" position="708,225" size="108,45" font="Regular;32"/>
<widget name="apply" position="315,360" size="375,55"/>
<screen name="CutListEditor" position="center,200" size="1300,720" title="Cutlist editor" backgroundColor="#000000">
<widget source="cutlist" render="Listbox" position="850,20" size="420,600" zPosition="3" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" enableWrapAround="1">
<convert type="TemplatedMultiContent">