Channel name problem with v1.5/1.6


Vu+ User
Quite frequently with the new versions (doesn't happen with 1.4.5), instead of channel names, I get frequencies. It seems to happen randomly, usually in Italian RAI channels. You can clearly see what I mean in these two screenshots.

Please upload screenshots in your posts. External links are not allowed! Angelofsky1980
Quite frequently with the new versions (doesn't happen with 1.4.5), instead of channel names, I get frequencies. It seems to happen randomly, usually in Italian RAI channels. You can clearly see what I mean in these two screenshots.

Please upload screenshots in your posts. External links are not allowed! Angelofsky1980

This is nothing to do with images....its from the signal provider,,,,and I"ve seen them, in all images tested by me, since my dust collector DMM 800 HD!
Ok, but it's strange I've never seen them, only after installing these newer images. Must be coincidence, I guess.

I think the problem is not related to image
but to your satlist and/ or information from satellite transponder.

Try to put agn satlist/settings if not helps
test with another Satlist or make a scan if necessary.
Sorry, I didn't exactly understand this. I tried rescanning but problem remains.

U say its only w/BH 1.6,,,,ok fine, lets see a screen shut of that!
The same issue was discussed @ another forum ,few years a go,,,and no one can find a solution!
Do you use settings or just only scan ?
with which channels you have a problem.

I use settings ,i have FTP with DreamBoxEdit and do not have that problem
U say its only w/BH 1.6,,,,ok fine, lets see a screen shut of that!
You can see the screenshots at the 2nd post. I've never seen this problem with images older than 1.5.
Do you use settings or just only scan ? with which channels you have a problem.I use settings ,i have FTP with DreamBoxEdit and do not have that problem
I don't use settings, just the default Astra-Hotbird list that comes with the image, and a couple of manual scans to add specific channels. I haven't changed anything, only updating the images and keeping my previous settings which are saved on the HDD. Problem seems to affect RAI, haven't checked yet for other channels.
I still think that something is wrong with that
but I do not know what is wrong.
I use settings from @Likra and I have no problems with channel names.
I've tested a scan with an existing settings from @Likra , and again all is OK.
Next time when I re-installed image I will try to scan with clean image.
I have the same problem since 28/04/ not an image problem of its setting......
the cause is due to new changes in frequency (10992 and 11766 ) and method of encoding that is working for the new channel RAI HD

now 10992 Rai 1/2/3/4/Movie/News (encoding N3 Tivusat ) -> after (27/05/2011) 10992 Rai 1/2/3/4/Movie/News (encoding FTA N3)
now 11766 Rai 1/2/3/4/5/Med/Scuola/Senato/YoYo (encoding Fta Seca N3) -> after (27/05/2011) 11766 Rai HD (encoding N3 )

I have the same problem with some bh images. I not installed de 1.6 yet.
I use de hanibbal sat list modified by me (order and some tag titles, i`m spanish)
Some chanels of astra dplus have the same problem that SatDreamer describes.
The solution for me is the next:
- go to chanel list category (in the vu+duo, not ftp or dreambox edit) and delete de chanel afected for this problem
- go to chanel list (general list), and search the chanel with the name that i need. I add this chanel manually to my list category.
- and all OK

rare, but i make a question of this in spanish secction and some people tell me that this problem is with hanibbal list
I edited the channel names manually in dreamboxedit and sent the lists back to the Duo. This quick fix seems to solve the problem for now, but maybe the problem comes back if I scan again.
I have CST list .... same problem... name of channel change either during the day.... :glare:
I guess it's because the transponder on the work...!!
now 11766 Rai 1/2/3/4/5/Med/Scuola/Senato/YoYo (encoding Fta Seca N3) -> after (27/05/2011) 11766 Rai HD (encoding N3 )

quote myself for a "copy and paste" error.... only Rai 1/2/3 will become Rai HD

now 11766 Rai 1/2/3 (encoding Fta Seca N3) -> after (27/05/2011) 11766 Rai HD (encoding N3 )
is not a bh version problem, i didn't noticed that prob with 1.5 and 1.5.1 for many days, just in the lasts days i noticed it
always the same settings list (and updated), maybe the settings editor, but i'm unsure about it