Coaxial signal loss


Vu+ Newbie
I recently moved my dish and was forced to put in an additional connector on my coaxial run of about 20-25 meters. I've a twin LNB.

I setup my Ultimo receiver at the dish and recorded signal levels, and again with the same receiver in the sitting room. On my stronger sats like 28E there is little difference. But on others like 0.8W, 30W and even 13E I'm seeing up to 30% loss of signal strength on the positioner setup menu. This brings signal strength below 40% and picture breakup.

I never had these problems in the old location. Is the new connector causing this signal loss on the weaker sats?

25 Meters of coax is not enough to cause a significant loss if the coax is good and if the coax is correct for satellite operations.

Most likely,
Either your dish is out of alignment or there is a problem with the coax. Make another trip out to the dish and verify that the signal is OK on All of your satellites. If the signal is OK at the dish, then replace the coax.

Also carefully check the coax connectors for moisture on the inside of them. A little bit of moisture can cause problems.
Looks like just a case of the strong signals staying strong and the weaker signals decaying more over the length of the cable.

Having to cut the cables was bugging me a bit.
But all ok now. Just about getting 0.8W with good weather which is about normal for me here in the west of Ireland.