Copying from VU+Duo to usb


Vu+ Newbie
Sorry to ask this but I am really struggling to sort this out. I used to use the network on my old win7 pc, now win10 and no hope of doing that. I read about going to the recorded movie list, press green and do a copy.
When I try it says it does not have a 'Tag' but I have no idea what that means.
Does anyone have a list of things to do to make thie happen, i.e. Select movie, pregg green, if Tag message appears do this or else do that ?
Driving me nuts, any help appreciated. John
You can't do this in this mechanical, robotic way: pressing GREEN means nothing!
First of all you should tell us which image are you using in your VU+, because OpenBlackHole, for instance, has capabilities to easily move files than BH hasn't. In BH you'll take advantage by installing the plugin EMC (Enhanced Movie Center) which has this features.
And, above all, you can't easily copy by the image GUI to a PC! You'll need to set shared folders in your PC, etc.. A nightmare, particularly for a user not very expert at the messy win.

And anyway, your movies are in
and you can always access it from your PC using a FTP client like FileZilla or the like. Only, a movie is made of 4 or 5 files: there is the .ts one (that's the video file) but then there are the others. If you want to transfer to your pc you only need the .ts.
That is kind of the info I was after, the press green was just an example.
I have BH (old version from years ago) so the other options EMC is worth a try.
That is the problem though, I used to copy via FTP (filezilla now lapsed) and may try again. My concern is that it will only work if I can see the VU+ box which is why I thought of copying to a USB stick.
If I try to do anything with the movies I always get 'no Tab set' which I can find no information on whatsoever. Seemed to be for editing but still no idea how to set it up.
I also get no 'Nameserver' whatever that means, again no explanations so nothing I can do about it which is why I am not inclined to install an ftp client only to find it won't work.

So i will install the EMC and see what happens. I have movie software to convert pretty much anything, just nothing to convert till I can copy these.
I am not a technical wizard and just looking for a simple solution, hopefully this is. I will let you know the results.
Well, I installed it and it now shows my movies as a list, not a bad improvement anyway. Crashed a couple of times after I hit sort so I have stopped doing that.

My problem now is that I don't know how to copy with it. I can see the HDD and path to movies and tat is all, press ok and 'crash'.
Is there a tutorial somewhere that shows me how to view the list of movies then copy one ?
This world is without tutorials, of any kind. Tutorial is Internet itself and your searching.

You can customize the coloured keys, but if you press MENU after having selected a file, you'll have all the possible options.
If you own an enigma2 image, without an FTP client is like buying a Ferrari and drag it around by a tractor.

Tags are useless, leave it and, step by step, try and get deeper into each function: only this way you can become an expert user.
Filezilla is a free FTP program, so can't lapse.
You need to discover your receiver IP address, and change the settings, in Filezilla.

To find out your receivers IP address either go into the menu, search for Network, and find the IP address, or use DCC_E2, Dreambox Control Centre, press the search option and it will find everything connected to your network.
Kind of aggressive reply Alexwilmac ? Not sure of your world but often people do tutorials on systems. Ii is possible someone wrote the BH system and refused to tell anyone how it works, but unlikely.

I asked a civil question re copying to USB as I did find something that said press the green button, ok that doesen't work but something must.
I don't want to become an expert user, I assumed this forum was where someone who was trying to perform a function could ask the help of an expert user.
I will try filezilla, it is free can't remember the problem I had but I will try again.

I have movies etc on the VU+ HDD and used to used to just look in explorer network can could see the VU+. Since windows10 this just isn't possible it seems, I just want to save the occasional thing I record on PC or USB stick. I will try the menu option when looking at the EMC to see what pops up. That is what I mean abot secret stuff, there must be a how to do this guide somewhere ?

This obvious my last time I loose time, as you react so, claiming a free software like BH, or other MUST have a manual. Did you pay for BH? No.
So, if this is how you value the time spent to reveal you about EMC or Filezilla or the like, and the time to explain its functions, you'll never have my time any longer. And if you want to stay the level you are and this is fine for you, imagine for me. Farewell.
If you want to transfer movies that are on the Vu HDD to the PC, use winSCP.

Thanks for the info everyone. I remember the problem with filezilla was reports of adware being loaded but that said if donw with care it should work. I usually check before downloading stuff and this would be the obvious choice being and FTP system so I will try it.

I had seen WinSCP but all I found seemed to say it was for copying from server to server / web sites. I guess I can put in the IP address of the VU+ box in place of that so I think I will try this first as found some youtube videos and a forum piece that showed the box IP address being used.

VUCC I will hold in reserve as it looks like I may have to think about how to install it.

I will try this tomorrow and let you know how I get on.
VUCC installs itself, all you need to do is unzip it, using WinRAR, winzip, or the free 7-zip, then click on the .exe file.
Thanks again everyone, special prize for Mick12334 for winning the 'reader's choice' award.
I looked at the other two but because of the previous post thought I would give VUCC (version 8) a try as it seemed simple, and it is. Pefectly matches my expertise.
Click the .exe and input the IP of the VU+ box (shown in the network section on te VU+) and instantly there. No fuss and no worries about extra software / bloatware etc being loaded.
It asked me if I wanted to update Filezilla to a newer version but I declined just in case it does the full download, the older version is all I need. I just want to copy the .ts files for editing and saving to view later.

Thanks again everyone, much appreciated. John