

Vu+ Newbie
I am a bit of a newby.

Can I copy a film recorded on the internal hard disk to an
external hard disk using the USB.
If so how do I do it.??????

Thanks.... Phil
ShutDown your STB.
Connect your external Hd.
Boot Your STB.
Go to your PC.

Use Ftp. Connect to your STB.

Go to path /media/hdd/movie

The movie will be located there.

Move the movie to the directory you want on your external Hdd.

Best regards
The problem might be if oxigen wants to copy the movie to an external HDD connected directly to the box USB, not the PC USB.
He didn't specify...
I give him one solution!

So ... With filebrowser maybe it cans copy the movie he wants.

when i get home i will try and post the solution

best regards

Thanks guys
I have tried to copy to my PC but it only
copy the sound not the video.

Can you help

Thanks.... Phil
Use VLC to Open the file on your PC download and install it from Vídeolan site

Test and reply

Best regards
I am a bit of a newby.

Can I copy a film recorded on the internal hard disk to an
external hard disk using the USB.
If so how do I do it.??????

Thanks.... Phil

personally, I surely prefer Dream-Explorer plugin to Filebrowser. This for many reasons. The main ones are:
-) it is able to copy also folders and not only files
-) it has got a wide windows and you see the full names lenght