Corrupted Flash??????????

John Bailey

Vu+ User
Hi Guy's,

I think that I may have corrupted the Flash on my Vu+ Duo. I have tried to re-flash using earlier images but without success. upon start up, the display on the front of my box says 'starting' then says Vu+ Duo, but does nothing after that and the remote does not work, so I can't even do a factory reset.
Any advise you could give would be greatly appreciated.

Hi John, do you know what corrupted the flash ?

For some reason I lost ***** config from the ect file and somehow corrupted the file when trying to transfer it over using DCC. I have now managed to re flash the box using a null modem cable and rebooted my settings___the good news is I'm back to where I started, before I messed up, however, ***** config is still missing. Can you help please. NB. hope Iv'e not infringrd any rules.
For some reason I lost ***** config from the ect file and somehow corrupted the file when trying to transfer it over using DCC. I have now managed to re flash the box using a null modem cable and rebooted my settings___the good news is I'm back to where I started, before I messed up, however, ***** config is still missing. Can you help please. NB. hope Iv'e not infringrd any rules.

Dear John,
Good 4U...!
However, please read the forum rules,,,,!
Emu discussion is not allowed/forbidden!
Thank U.
Hi John, with BH images we have provided you with a personal backup feature, if you have not used this then I fear you have lost your files if you did not make a backup on your pc.
Fortunately, I used the back up feature and restored the files. I also managed to FTP the 'other info' to my VU+.
All's well that ends well. I just didn't expect to go through the 'learning curve' as soon as I did.
I wont be messing with the box again for a while yet.

The personnal backup is very important feature done for this backup. All your setting will be backup and restored...