Cross EPG vs EPG Panel ?


Vu+ Newbie
In main menu, i have a menu item called "Epg panel",which offers some settings like where to save,refresh time and providers.
In menu->settings , there is a "Cross EPG" menu item, which offers more or less same things and some more.
Maybe i am slightly retarded, but this confuses me a bit. Are there 2 individual EPG systems ,or what is going on ?
If there is, where are each of them used?

Epg is useful to me in channel list, info bar (current + next), occasinoally "graphical multi epg" (long press blue),and pressing epg button to get more info about current program.

Which of the two should i use, and why are there two?
I hope someone can enlighten me on this.

I am using 2.0.4 on Solo1
There are two independent epg loaders as you've noticed it yourself. You can choose yourself which one to use.
I'm not sure what's the reason that two epg loaders are included in the same image. I think we need to ask image authors about that.
I've been using CrossEPG since I got my first e2 receiver and I like it. Have only tested epg panel, but did not use it for long
Thanks for clarification, ill stick to crossepg, it works fine for me,the other probably does too, but atleast i know why there are two now :)
7 days is more than enough, the current and next program is usually enough. I moved epg.dat location to usb , so there are plenty of space for time ahead .
I wonder if everyone is using the EPG features optimal, since it is hidden a bit, i can imagine alot of people dont benefit from it,simply because they never knew it needs a little configuration ?
Think most of us use cross EPG mate because its much more detailed I find. Also if you like graphical EPG cool man TVGuide is much better than the stock and is available from the BH server
how do i select the option of which epg loader to select 0n duo2 running black-hole image
just got this duo so still setting it up
For internal BH epg system /blue button/red button/ , now You could configure global settings and provider settings which You want.

For Crossepg /meny/setup/crossepg /configure , now You could setup device where epg will be downloaded,also You could choice xepgdb providers which You need.