CrossEPG cannot update Rytec providers


Vu+ Newbie

I have upgraded to v2.0.8.1 and am trying to set up the Cross EPG as I had it before. When I select the option to update the Rytec providers for XMLTV it sits there with the message "Updating rytec providers" and the pulsing circle in the top left. I have left this for over 30 minutes and nothing seems to happen and the box does not respond to the remote whilst this is happening. The only way to get control again is to power it off and back on again.

Anyone got any ideas?


i have the same problem in bh v 2.0.9 and the vu+ solo2 freeze after i try make update epg so i power it off and power on to work again
It is likely that we have problems with the Rytec server
I'm not at home to test.
Maybe someone from the team can.
I have never had any problems with CrossEPG, but now I cannot get XMLTV or Rytec work apart from OpenTV, witch works ok. Another thing OK-button is missing in Army Gradient skin.

I have upgraded to v2.0.8.1 and am trying to set up the Cross EPG as I had it before. When I select the option to update the Rytec providers for XMLTV it sits there with the message "Updating rytec providers" and the pulsing circle in the top left. I have left this for over 30 minutes and nothing seems to happen and the box does not respond to the remote whilst this is happening. The only way to get control again is to power it off and back on again.

Anyone got any ideas?


Same problem here with Rytec and bh 2.09 on flash,vti on multiboot Rytec work very fine.
I do not notice any problems with Rytec EPG and not with providers update ??

18/02/2014 22:16:49 Read 59217 events
18/02/2014 22:16:49 Interactive: SAVE cmd received
18/02/2014 22:16:53 Interactive: CLOSE cmd received
18/02/2014 22:16:53 EPGDB closed
18/02/2014 22:16:53 Interactive: OK action sent
18/02/2014 22:16:53 Interactive: QUIT cmd received
18/02/2014 22:16:54 SIFTeam CrossEPG DB Converter 0.7.04 (c) 2009-2012 Sandro Cavazzoni (
18/02/2014 22:16:54 This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
18/02/2014 22:16:54 EPGDB opened
18/02/2014 22:16:54 Reading EPGDB...
18/02/2014 22:16:56 Completed
18/02/2014 22:16:56 EPG.DAT opened
18/02/2014 22:16:56 Writing events...
18/02/2014 22:17:01 Sorting hashes...
18/02/2014 22:17:01 Writing descriptors...
18/02/2014 22:17:02 EPG.DAT closed
18/02/2014 22:17:03 EPGDB closed
There are still major problems with both Rytec-Sweden and XEPGDB-Sweden in release 2.07-2.09. Works perfectly in version 2.06 IF YOU NOT UPDATE PROVIDERS, then no EPG. Here are 2 logfiles one box works but not the other. Please compare the tho files to see if you can point out what's wrong. Another difference is that ext.epg.dat it's much smaller in the box that don't work. Internal EPG works.


I have not tested
but it seems that the difference is in the servers from which it takes/download the EPG.
Now why is one OK and the other not perhaps know someone better than me.
I tested

exactly XMLTV provider working

This must be a plugin error ?
If you look db, tmp files in Crossepg folder
They have a few MB depending on the provider
ext.epg.dat only a few bits
For those that have problems, try just temporarily disabling your second (DVB-S) tuner then do the CrossEPG update.
This worked for me.