CrossEPG Error

Marco Lacerda

Vu+ Newbie
Hello friends
I am Brazilian and I use the BH in my SOLO2.
I noticed this week that the CrossEPG is off on server in based file Brazilian : BRASIL_70_61_43_xmltv.conf

description=BRASIL 70W/61W/43W EPG

Trying to see what could be done several tests .
Uninstalled version threw 2.0.5 ( v CrossEPG . 0.6.2 )
Since the version of CrossEPG moved perhaps could be bugged.
The error persists.
Another interesting test:
I did was download the file directly from the browser of my PC: using segintes links: Ok, funcionando.

link: Também funcionando

Also working
When you download the files and extract XML on file GZ ( XMLTV_BRASIL_TIMEZONE2.xml ) with winrar and open it with iexplorer and verify that the EPG is correct and complete.
But, crossEPG either version 0.6.2 as the new , not download, giving error URL.

Below the error log CrossEPG

7/11/2013 11:25:11 SIFTeam CrossEPG Downloader 0.7.04 (c) 2009-2012 Sandro Cavazzoni (
17/11/2013 11:25:11 This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
17/11/2013 11:25:11 Interactive: OPEN cmd received
17/11/2013 11:25:11 EPGDB opened (root=/media/hdd/crossepg)
17/11/2013 11:25:11 Clearing old aliases...
17/11/2013 11:25:11 Loaded 0 aliases
17/11/2013 11:25:11 Adding new aliases...
17/11/2013 11:25:11 Completed
17/11/2013 11:25:11 Interactive: OK action sent
17/11/2013 11:25:11 Interactive: DOWNLOAD cmd received
17/11/2013 11:25:11 Download channels from url: (0)
17/11/2013 11:25:11 HTTP Get (, port:80, page:epgload/CANAIS/channels.gz)
17/11/2013 11:25:11 Downloaded 13256 bytes
17/11/2013 11:25:11 Deflating epgload/CANAIS/channels.gz
17/11/2013 11:25:11 File deflated
17/11/2013 11:25:11 Reading channels from /media/hdd/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.SG7ZCI
17/11/2013 11:25:12 Read 1213 channels
17/11/2013 11:25:12 Download channels from url: (0)
17/11/2013 11:25:12 HTTP Get (, port:80, page:epgload/BASES/XMLTV_H.gz)
17/11/2013 11:25:12 HTTP error 301
17/11/2013 11:25:12 ERROR!! No data found
17/11/2013 11:25:12 Error downloading file

17/11/2013 11:25:12 No more url available
17/11/2013 11:25:12 Error downloading/parsing channels file

17/11/2013 11:25:12 Interactive: SAVE cmd received
17/11/2013 11:25:12 Interactive: CLOSE cmd received
17/11/2013 11:25:12 EPGDB closed
17/11/2013 11:25:12 Interactive: OK action sent
17/11/2013 11:25:12 Interactive: QUIT cmd received
17/11/2013 11:25:13 SIFTeam CrossEPG Importer 0.7.04 (c) 2009-2012 Sandro Cavazzoni (
17/11/2013 11:25:13 This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
17/11/2013 11:25:13 EPGDB opened
17/11/2013 11:25:13 Clearing old aliases...
17/11/2013 11:25:13 Loaded 0 aliases
17/11/2013 11:25:13 Adding new aliases...
17/11/2013 11:25:13 Completed
17/11/2013 11:25:13 SIFTeam CrossEPG DB Converter 0.7.04 (c) 2009-2012 Sandro Cavazzoni (
17/11/2013 11:25:13 This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
17/11/2013 11:25:13 EPGDB opened
17/11/2013 11:25:13 Reading EPGDB...
17/11/2013 11:25:13 Completed
17/11/2013 11:25:13 EPG.DAT opened
17/11/2013 11:25:13 Writing events...
17/11/2013 11:25:13 Sorting hashes...
17/11/2013 11:25:13 Writing descriptors...
17/11/2013 11:25:13 EPG.DAT closed
17/11/2013 11:25:14 EPGDB closed

What would that be happening ?
The problem was solved EPG.
The team that develops the EPG Brazilian blocked access to the file used by me and released a new model with the time zones of Brazil. Having thus made the changes: -2 file (timezone -2); File -3 (-3 timezone) file and -4 (-4 timezone). The changes have taken place because times from Brazilian summer.