CrossEPG lose epg


Vu+ Newbie

I have a Duo2 (legit) with 1TB internal HD and a USB connected up. I use CrossEPG set to use the USB. Now and again my Duo2 might crash when/if it does. I lose alll my CrossEPG epg info for all the ch`s when I try and download them again it will not do it unless maybe I have to reboot. Now and again even if I reboot CrossEPG wiill still not download correctly. I have tried to delete CrossEPG from the USB (using software on the Duo2) and start again but it will not do it. I have to take the USB stick out and connect it up to my computer delete on my pc and put it back in the Duo2. It will then download as it should and its all fine again. The reason I`m asking is why cannot I delete CrossEPG from the Duo2 without taking the USB stick out. I also have a orginal Duo and run it the same. If I get a CrossEPG error on this It will let me delete it from the Duo its self and I can then download the epg OK again.
Actually, I don't understand why one should use a USB instead of the HDD. And, moreover, is CrossEpg configured to force reload at boot?
Actually, I don't understand why one should use a USB instead of the HDD. And, moreover, is CrossEpg configured to force reload at boot?
I do.
It's actually the recommended way.
Saving to USB is better so you don't have to spin up your hdd every time.
@ bigkenny, maybe try a different brand of USB stick?