Customizing keymap.xml


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all,

First of all, I wish you a very happy newyear 2016 ;)

I would like to modify the keymap.xml file to get red key opening directly the mediaplayer.
Could someone help me, please ?
It's probably a little bit exaggerated to modify keymap to perform this action. I'd rather use the plugin Quickbutton (not to be mistaken with Multiquickbutton).
Instead, I edited keymap to get rid of the annoying strange assignment to P+/P- to bouquets (that I find very, very uncomfy and annoying) and I swapped its assignment to LEFT/RIGHT, although after every software update I have to replace again my keymap because the update replaces mine with the original.
It's probably a little bit exaggerated to modify keymap to perform this action. I'd rather use the plugin Quickbutton (not to be mistaken with Multiquickbutton).
Instead, I edited keymap to get rid of the annoying strange assignment to P+/P- to bouquets (that I find very, very uncomfy and annoying) and I swapped its assignment to LEFT/RIGHT, although after every software update I have to replace again my keymap because the update replaces mine with the original.
After make modification save file in /usr/share/enigma2/keymap.usr. Then in /etc/enigma/settings set this config.usage.keymap=/usr/share/enigma2/keymap.usr. Dont know if there is GUI for this settings in BH or OBH
Thank you Axelwilmac, I didn't knew the existence of the plugin Quickbutton.
However, when using this plugin, assigning an action to red or red long press don't work... It works well for green, yellow or blue, but not for red or red long press :-/
More than this, once the plugin Quickbutton installed, I loose the standard blackhole function for blue long press (extensions menu).
Am I understanding/doing something wrong ?