Date format


Vu+ Newbie
Is there any solution to set the displayed date format as "YYYY.MM.DD" ?
I see in the LC_TIME file is configured as DD.MM.YYYY in another folder than en_EN, for example in the hu_HU folder.
Is the displayed date format depending of this, or this is a dummy file?
Can edit this file with any editor (I haven't seen any nano on the STB)? I know that this is Linux ARM, with another coding system than the x64, so is not possilbe tho copy an existing LC_TME file from the PC to STB, so what is the solution?
Where do you mean you have this format? In the recording list? In the name of the file recorded?
If you are talking about the filename it would not be clever to change it because a file name should always be named this way, because, otherwise, files will be put in a wrong alphabetical order.
Even if my national date format is DDMMYYYY, I've always named files YYYY-MM-DD.... just to have the correct alphabetical order, not like naive people who name file as the were made of paper.
If you are talking about recording list options, I have it in my normal format, instead.
So, explain where you see this format, please.