DCC-E2 v1.43


Vu+ User
Update Support Barry Allen
Newer versions of Barry Allen are now supported (tested with V6.1.3). Olderversions should continue to run on DCC-E2, I could not even test it, otherwise adowngrade would have been necessary.

Support sub-directories in the path Recordings (Experimental)
Recordings automatically in a combo box to select a sub-directory will be displayedif the subdirectories in the standard recording path will be found. The selection of asub-directory automatically triggers a rescan of the list. Please note: Download a fileof photographs can be done within a single directory, a combining of images fromdifferent directories simultaneously is not possible and must be separated!

Behavior of the Recording list with auto zoom changed
If "Restrict auto-zoom" in the configuration parameter is set, now and in therecording list, the text sizes maintained. In more lines are displayed when the window is enlarged. If "Restrict auto-zoom" is not set, will continue to always fullyzoomed without changing the number of lines.

Securing the sorting parameters for Recordings
The parameters for representing the Recording List (Sort by ... / ascending or descending) are now saved in the INI file and restart AnyNET set on the most recentvalue.

- If the FTP Commander WHILE changing a file name, press the Delete key, the delete function has been activated ..
- The memory information was incorrect values ​​when a file system mounted with thelong name was over. The detection has been improved, but my hand I put it in a fire
-. When deleting recordings to date the associated * sc file is missing.

This task is no text-based changes in the resources, why should all language files of the previous version continue to be used.


