Dead ? DVB-C/T on new Ultimo ?


Vu+ Newbie

I've just received my new Ultimo with 2 x DVB-S2 & 1 x DVB-C/T and the box doesn´t "see" the DVB-C/T tuner.
I've tried just to install the DVB-C/T tuner in port a, and also tried to install the two S2-tuners in port a/b and the C/T-tuner in port c. Still the same result, the box sees the S2 tuners but not the C/T.

Have I missed something or is it correct to assume that I have got a defective C/T-tuner ?
Just to be sure before I contact the seller.

Thank you in advance. :)

Best regards
Thanx Mito

This was also my guess, but since I'm new to the Ultimo ( have had some Dreamboxes before ) I would just check to be sure.

Thank you again :)

What is your antenna? Have you the cable or a terrestrial antenna? For example, in my Ultimo, I install tuner T and not C, in the line after I put C and not T. I receive the services via the cable. Perhaps, you may have the same installation. Before, I put tuner T, and the line after T again, and nothing happened...
Hi Solveg92

I have DVB-T, but the Ultimo doesn´t even show the tuner when entering the tuner menu, only the 2 S2-tuners shows in the menu.
So I don´t think it's a setup issue, unless there is something with some drivers ?

Do you want to tell us that your demo does not mention the DVB-T/C? In that case, effectively, you have a problem with this tuner. Perhaps, you can verify the fixation of your cable and its quality, from the demo to the antenna. And after, flash again your BH Image. Perhaps a reboot could refit everything. Sorry for my english, not fluent...
Hi again Solveg92....

Yes my menu doesn't show the DVB-T/C tuner only the two S2-tuners. I guess that even without any antenna connected the tuner should still show up in the menu.

I've rebooted several times ;)

Please see attached screenshot......


I don't know if I'm authorized to tell you that, but if I were you, I would try to install another Image. And after, if you find the same problem, ask the seller to change your tuner. But, sincerely,Image BH is the best I tried.
I will try another image during this weekend. I've tested with the factory and the BH2 image so far, but I've only had the receiver for a few hours so far.

I'll repport back in this thread when done testing.

And again, thank you for taking your time to help me :)

No problem. I had also a lot of problems when I received my Ultimo. Several forums, and particularly VU+community helped
me a lot, even now. So...

I've just received my new Ultimo with 2 x DVB-S2 & 1 x DVB-C/T and the box doesn´t "see" the DVB-C/T tuner.
I've tried just to install the DVB-C/T tuner in port a, and also tried to install the two S2-tuners in port a/b and the C/T-tuner in port c. Still the same result, the box sees the S2 tuners but not the C/T.

Have I missed something or is it correct to assume that I have got a defective C/T-tuner ?
Just to be sure before I contact the seller.

Thank you in advance. :)

Best regards

Try last original image, 1st tuner DVB-S2 port A, 2nd tuner DVB-C/T port B, 3rd not installed.
If it will not work, let tuners as they are, install BH 2.0.1 and do a report. It's written here how to do it.
Hi again :)

The tuner is dead. Tried installing DVB-S2 in port A and DVB-C/T in port B flashed with newest original image and the DVB-C/T tuner still doesn't show up in the tuner list.

I have contacted the seller and waiting for a reply hoping they only need the tuner returned to replace it, since it will be a pain in the hmm..... to not have the Ultimo in the house :fie:

Thankz to all that helped me with this issue !

Hi again :)

The tuner is dead. Tried installing DVB-S2 in port A and DVB-C/T in port B flashed with newest original image and the DVB-C/T tuner still doesn't show up in the tuner list.

I have contacted the seller and waiting for a reply hoping they only need the tuner returned to replace it, since it will be a pain in the hmm..... to not have the Ultimo in the house :fie:

Thankz to all that helped me with this issue !

It may happen that a single component doesn't work.
Don't worry, I don't think your seller will have problems to change the tuner.

Just a quick update....

I've received the new tuner and it was recognized at first boot after installing it.
Did a channel search and the DVB-T channels "popped up" :)
