Disable EPG Buttons in Channel List


Vu+ Newbie
I've searched too much before I took the decision to write this post.

I've disabled the option "Enable EPG Buttons in Channel List" from EPG Setup menu "Blue -> Red -> Red", but I'm still getting the buttons in my channel list, I don't know if it's a bug in with the image (attached screenshots).

I tried with the default skin and also downloaded another skin.

Firmware: BlackHole 2.1.4
Build: 2014-12-05-master
Box: Vu+ Duo

Thank you in advance.
What do you mean for I'm still getting the buttons in my channel list?
When you disable them, although you can see them in channel list, they don't work.
Thank you for the information, this piece of information was not clear - at least for me -.
You're true, they don't work once disabled.
I was under impression if the buttons still appear on the screen, they'll still work as normal.