DM edit not transfering from vu+duo² to PC


Vu+ Newbie
hi please could you advise or help
when i want to transfere channels bouquets to pc it is impossible to finish process because dm edit says no file "services" and something else found in vu+ directory
Any way i will need a link for a tuto tofollow procedure
thank you
Have you configured Dreamboxeditor for Enigmu 2 and not for Enigma 1 .

you can find info with google search

how to use dreambox edit
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aymen you need to create a directory on the PC.
1) Open DreamBoxEdit
2) Click Tools => Options => General
3) Select Browse => desired folder location and create a folder "settings"
4) Now click in the main window the "File" option and Click "Receive Files from Dreambox"

DreamBoxEdit restart and you'd have your settings in the new directory find and edit!
i succeeded to do it by creating "settings" file at desktop for my case and then "enigma2" in the settings otherwise it refused to transfere channels
Anyway thank for help.
all is fine now
but my last question is why rebooting time is several minutes while it was few seconds
shoul i delete some specefic files or plugins or addons
tell me if the hdd can be responsible of that because someone told me that may be the system boots on hdd internal but i am not sure