Does the VU+ have a PC utility which can edit the channel list or backup?


Vu+ User
I used CubeRevo before. The receiver has a PC based utility (PC Editor) which can be easily used to edit channel list, set the receiver's parameters, backup the system and channel list. Does the VU+ BH have a similar utility or some kind PC based software to such work?
Not only can dreamboxedit be used to edit and save channels, it is the preferred way imho.
It is really easy to edit and transfer channel lists, so when you flash a new image, you can just resend channel list (i dont like the bh personal backup)

It has a few oddities, like the wildcard for channel search, if you want to show all HD channels, enter this in servicename %hd% ,but once you get over those things it will be one of the best tools.
Thanks , Yummer & sunespeg.

I am very new for the VU+. Does the DreamBoxEditor have any restriction for the receiver's type (I means the VU+ recevers, such as VU+ Duo, VU+ Duo2, on) or any VU+ receivers? Does the editor have any requirment for software, such blackHole, Vix, VTi ...or any of the popular software?
No m8. Can be used on any enigma 2 box I think. And image is not an issue. Its a handy piece of software. I also use dream box control centre (DCC) to ftp to box and to make any adjustments. Vucc is pretty much the same as this.
No m8. Can be used on any enigma 2 box I think. And image is not an issue. Its a handy piece of software. I also use dream box control centre (DCC) to ftp to box and to make any adjustments. Vucc is pretty much the same as this.
Thanks Yummer. I will try the Dreambox Editor after I setup the VU box.
The name Dreamboxedit is a bit misleading as it can be used on ALL Enigma based STB's of which there are now so many. Someone should change the name to something like EnigmaBoxEdit. Same goes for DCC (Dreamobx Control Centre). :)
The name Dreamboxedit is a bit misleading as it can be used on ALL Enigma based STB's of which there are now so many. Someone should change the name to something like EnigmaBoxEdit. Same goes for DCC (Dreamobx Control Centre). :)

Thanks, I agree. Changing to a more general name will help most new comers. The DreamBoxEditor just likes something only for Dream Receivers. The right is in the hands of the creators of the software. I wish they can see this message.