duo 2


Vu+ User
I have a 1.2 motorised dish with only I lnb will the duo be ok for this I have a seprate posisioner at the moment to move the dish can the duo 2 do cband as well as ku band as well
regards simon
i'm not sure what the c and KU bands are but i have the same setup and works fine
1.2 motorized dish with positioner
I have a 1.2 motorised dish with only I lnb will the duo be ok for this I have a seprate posisioner at the moment to move the dish can the duo 2 do cband as well as ku band as well
regards simon
I am running a Duo2 on the C and Ku bands without any problems. Currently there are two diseqc 1.2 positioners and 1 Ku motor connected to my receiver. The Duo2 handles this hardware without any issues. EB
My positioner boxes are a V-Box and a G-Box. The Ku motor is a DG380.
All positions that are available to me from 15 West to 139 West. I am in the United States.
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