duo problem


Vu+ Newbie
hi folks i have a problem with my vu+duo that i have never seen before in my life, and it has got me well and truely stumped.
the problem is that my duo changes channels and opens menu's on it's own, and i have tried everything to sort it out, but have failed on all counts.
it started about 2 weeks ago when i was sat watching a prog, when suddenly the channel list came up and it changed channel.
i picked up my remote to change the channel back, but every button i pressed on the remote did the same thing, and all that comes up when i press any button and even on the controls on the box is the first info bar.
i have checked my remote with another box, and there are no stuck buttons.
i have re flashed my box 4 times using different images but still the same.
i have re set my router with a brand new password just incase someone had hacked my router but no change.
i have changed my wifi password 5 times, but again no change.
as far as i know linux boxes are supposed to be one of the most secure things in the world, so i have ruled out a virus ect, but could it have a virus and how would i remove it as there are no anti virus plugins for these boxes.
i meant to say that my remote is an original along with my box, and not one of these all singing all dancing one's
So any ideas out there on how to solve my problem ?
First you need to confirm the problem.
First I would put some tape over the IR sensor, on the receiver, to stop any remote activating it, you can test it's working by trying your duo remote, on the receiver.
Once done monitor your VU+ Duo to see if the problem has been resolved, or if it's still happening.
If it's still happening switch off your WLAN connection, in your receivers menu options, and/or LAN, if connected by a cable.
cheers for your reply Mick, but i should have said that i have already tried your suggestions in that i completely disabled internet to my box but no change, and i hve covered the ir on the box and moved the remote to a bedroom upstairs but again the box will change channels on it's own, and display various menu's.
the only way i can get into my box and change channels whilst this is going on is thru vu control centre, but as soon as i change a channel, it will change it to something else.
Take the box in to another room without TV and the remote
Do the same thing happens ?

I know some people who had a similar problem due to interference of air conditioners.
If you've covered the IR sensor, completely, then no remote, internal, or external, should affect it, and as you've disabled all the connections, to your router, then no one can access it, not even you, using a PC, or other device, which either leaves a short, or a hardware, software, problem.
You could try it on a different Dish/LNB setup, or try loading an original image, from vuplus.
I'm beginning to think that it is more likely a hardware problem, as you seem to have ruled out nearly everything else.
hi folks i have a problem with my vu+duo that i have never seen before in my life, and it has got me well and truely stumped.
the problem is that my duo changes channels and opens menu's on it's own, and i have tried everything to sort it out, but have failed on all counts.
it started about 2 weeks ago when i was sat watching a prog, when suddenly the channel list came up and it changed channel.
i picked up my remote to change the channel back, but every button i pressed on the remote did the same thing, and all that comes up when i press any button and even on the controls on the box is the first info bar.
i have checked my remote with another box, and there are no stuck buttons.
i have re flashed my box 4 times using different images but still the same.
i have re set my router with a brand new password just incase someone had hacked my router but no change.
i have changed my wifi password 5 times, but again no change.
as far as i know linux boxes are supposed to be one of the most secure things in the world, so i have ruled out a virus ect, but could it have a virus and how would i remove it as there are no anti virus plugins for these boxes.
i meant to say that my remote is an original along with my box, and not one of these all singing all dancing one's
So any ideas out there on how to solve my problem ?

My Duo also has started doing this same crazy thing. I`ve ordered a new Duo2 but I would like to get my fault (legit) Duo repaired what was the outcome of your problem did you get it repaired??