Duo2 comes lazy


Vu+ Newbie
Using last blackole images on my duo2 have frequent bluepoint on screen as machine do any process in the background.
Has become so frequent and booring cause nothing can you make if this fucken bluepoint is on
Anybody knows what issue is that?
You could try checking the system information, to see what resources are free, press the Blue Button followed by the Yellow Button.
Quite clear System info ram 19%, swap 0, flash 12% hdd temp 40 and yet this fucken blue on top left each 20 sec comes as if duo2 is making tug of war
default plugins only openvpn working nothing special installed, did a fresh install of 2.1.1 result the same
Maybe a big config of Lcd Linux which takes the files from hdd does that, in vix did not happen in vti not. I will do mean time a fresh manual setup o 2.1.1 without usin my personal backup as i did and give feedback
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Yes found it, it was Lcd Linux config which took picons and and many things in hdd thanks all for the suggestions