Duo2 -> Solo2

Jan Suhr

Vu+ Newbie
I have recently bought two Solo2 boxes and to complete my setup in my house I need a third box. I'm very tempted to buy a Duo2 as the third unit.

I have a question, will the Duo2 work well as a server for my two Solo2's with the Remote Channel Stream Converter setup?

My plan is to have the thrid unit as a client ( it will then be one of the Solo2's acting as client) with no LNB's connected to it, only getting signal over LAN from the two Remote Channel Stream servers.

I think duo2 is best option to use as server for both solo2 as it has 4 tuners (2x 2 double tuners) and in this case you can even buy one more solo2 :)
Well if she can change channels and adjust the volume and eventually switch of the TV she is fine.
The only buttons she use is the Channel + and - (Thanks to the remote button remapping), button 1-9 and Volume + and -. We have two Samsungs and the remote is mapped to control them as well.

Simple as possible and woman friendly. :D
BTW I did order the DUO2 this morning, the distributor said I was the first one in Sweden. I doubt that but I'm for sure early on it.
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Well if she can change channels and adjust the volume and eventually switch of the TV she is fine.
The only buttons she use is the Channel + and - (Thanks to the remote button remapping), button 1-9 and Volume + and -. We have two Samsungs and the remote is mapped to control them as well.

Simple as possible and woman friendly. :D

Channel + and -

Okay, okay, we see if this will work in practice :D
Too complicated :) I have TV extender (5 GHz) connected to Solo SCART and a pair of corresponding receivers in different rooms. If you want HD, there are extenders with HDMI as well.
HD channels can be seen, moreover you can hardly notice the difference between true 1080i and the transmitted image, if a TV set has less than 42'' diagonal.
Too complicated :) I have TV extender (5 GHz) connected to Solo SCART and a pair of corresponding receivers in different rooms. If you want HD, there are extenders with HDMI as well.

Maybe, today I have two Solo2's and one is for Brittish TV and one for Swedish TV, with this Tuner sharing I can reduce my number of boxes and only have VU+ for all my needs. And only one remote for the ones that are connected to my Samsung TV's. My Duo2 will replace one Solo2 that are connected to my receiver+projector. This way I can record from any box, select any channel and also see movies from my Plex-server.

I think it is a pretty perfect setup