Vu+ User
Hi guys,
Is there anyway of going into box via FTP and deleteing all channels and then i will be able to install new Motor settings without having endless channel lists , i have 20 boxnations, everytime i update ch list the box isnt deleting old ones and there are all still visible, main bulk of them dont work either due to new sids /transponder changes ect.
If i could connect to box via FTP and then delete , that would be great.
or do i have to intall new image and start again ( hope not )
I have searched on here for the answers but no posts state about deleting all channels.
Is there anyway of going into box via FTP and deleteing all channels and then i will be able to install new Motor settings without having endless channel lists , i have 20 boxnations, everytime i update ch list the box isnt deleting old ones and there are all still visible, main bulk of them dont work either due to new sids /transponder changes ect.
If i could connect to box via FTP and then delete , that would be great.
or do i have to intall new image and start again ( hope not )
I have searched on here for the answers but no posts state about deleting all channels.