DVB-T: Users of Sundtek MediaTV Pro, please read, some issues I am having


Vu+ User
Hi All,

I installed the latest 1.5.1 image a week ago and I love it as per all previous BH images, the best and most stable of all!!!!
I have a Sundtek MediaTV Pro tuner I use for DVB-T, been using this now for 6 months. It installs and works great on BH, but after a few days, about 5 days, without doing a full reboot of the system, the picture gets blocky, unwatchable and the spinner comes up as if there was a memory issue. This was happening before on previous images but I thought it could be my antenna as the signal was sometimes weak so I replaced it with a stonger one. Now I have a perfect signal so it's not the antenna and surely not the image as everything else is perfect.
I know because the Sundtek drivers are working outside of the kernel, they use more memory and probably the memory leaks after a few days. For me it's about 5 days when it becomes unwatchable, only a full reboot fixes it, Enigma 2 restart is not enough.
Has anyone using Sundtek MediaTV Pro noticed the same problem.
Rassi and myself have asked Master AngelofSky if he could create his own drivers package based on Sundtek and I am hoping this could fix the issue, maybe we can get an upate on this at the same time :)
A bit pissed off as the stick was quite expensive, thinkng of selling it for a Nova-t.

Thanks for the help
I did got some issues with Sundtek, but not definetly sure if the problems was with bad signal and i do not remember what was the problem at all.. :)
With Vix, OpenPli or VTi problem was bigger than with BH. I did some changes for my DVB-T antenna, maybe just before changed to BH image.

Now i use AF9015 based stick for DVB-T, waiting Sundtek drivers to be implemented to BH so i can start using Sundtek again on DVB-C as D tuner.

Have you asked any tips from Sundtek directly? or if they can do some changes for the drivers.
Thanks Rassi,

I had the same problems that you had with VIX before. I will post a message on Sundtek forum, thanks for the link, they are usually good with support.
Hopefully Angelofsky can save the day but I may just sell the stick altogether as I will probably never use it for DVB-C anyway.

we are actually not aware of any such issues

Sundtek MediaTV Pro allocates around 9 MB RAM buffers (AnalogTV, DigitalTV, FM Radio).
There are customers who have been using those devices for a year without any reboot (although those have been Linux VDR users). In Kernelspace you usually don't see what a driver allocates, basically it should be nearly the same, the biggest part of it are just the buffers.
Although there are some questions from our side in the support forum in order to keep the details at one place.
Bit of an update on this issue. I think I found the reason why, although it doesn't make it less of a problem. I use to leave the box on standby on a dvb-t channel, last week I left the box on standby on a DVB-S channel and the issue is now gone. So there's definately something going on with the stick and standby.
