Edit channel in Vu+ DUO


Vu+ Newbie
Hello, I am very new do Vu+ DUO, I just wanted to switch channel and I get this message:

Dear customers, this channel has been moved to a new transponder and is now available on:
  • Transpoder: BSS05
  • Frequency: 11804 MHz
  • Pol.: V
  • Format: MPEG 4
  • FEC: 3/4
  • Symbol Rate: 30000
  • Modulation: DVB S2

So I just wonder, what is easiest way to edit these params?

Thank you
You don't edit, just manually scan in the new frequency.
What image are you running?
Try going into the menu, setup, tuner config, Manual Scan.
Enter/select the details, you've posted, and search for the channel.
Whatever image you use, I'm sure it's easy to find the Tuner Configuration and, there, the Manual scan command.
Anyway, I don't think you are using one of our images, OBH or BH, because I've never seen such messages so far.