EPG custom channels vu+ solo 2 blackhole 2.0.1 image


Vu+ Newbie

I have just set up my vu+ solo 2 box with blackhole 2.0.1 pre installed and it has detected multiple channels (many duplicates) but with no channel numbers. Is there a way:

1) to have my box view channels like a normal sat box (ie BBC to be channel 1 or 101 if three numbers are required) and be able to press those numbers on the controller instead of having to use the epg?
2) is there a way to remove duplicates ?
3) using the epg guide there are still loads of channels with 5 digit numbers, is this normal to have?
4) could channels be seperated to things such as entertainment; sport; news?

Any help would be greatly apprechiated
you can do everything what you want with your channel list. Just use dreambox edit or dreamset from here:


there is tutorial too how to make your own list

I'd suggest to use some pre-made channel list from BH feed (select one depends from your tuner configuration - if you have just one lnb select list with your satellite position).
All channel from lists found in BH feed have already been sorted by type (as you mentioned in your post)