EPG download problems

Jan Suhr

Vu+ Newbie
I have recently got problems with the EPG. My list is empty and only show present programs when I have zapped to them

I mainly use the EPG that is reached by pressing button 3 after seeing the channel list (down on round button)

When I try to check the settings I get an message that rytec-uk can't be downloaded.

I have Rytec-UK and Rytec-Sweden set to automaticly download every day. Have worked so far since I got my DUO-2 several months ago.

Anyone know of any problems with the feed from Rytec.



If you already have your epg to download at a certain time every day then all you gotta do is go to menu-setup-crossEPG-XMLTV

Then go to rytec-uk and rytec Sweden and redownload these and you will be ok after that
What image are you on and what method do you use for downloading your epg ,cross epg plugin or other?