EPG downloading problem


Vu+ Newbie
Hi theere,

New to these boxes really, just after abit of advice with a couple of problems I have. (ill start another thread for the other one)

When trying to download the EPG the following way
(red) EPG Panel
Rytec SkyUK
(Yellow) Download now

My Box crashes and shows the following fault log..

No ancillary data in audio stream.... abort radiotext pes perser
Unknown action setupActions/cancel! Typo in keymap?
maint hread is non idle, display spinner

Theres a fair bit more too it, but I cant upload a screenshot due to me not being active for 30 days yet..

Any advice what this means, as ive not got a clue....

I just use the open tv, SKY list.
It automatically updates every hour when in standby and never had a problem with it.