Epg on internet


Vu+ Newbie
I am really excited about this decoder, but I really don't find it on the manuals, how get the decoder his epg data? I will be using 2 providers (TVV and freesat) but both of them have on the HD channels their proper and for TVV their encrypted epg, so only now and next are available.
Does the vu+ use an Internet epg (does not to be free) so it is possible to schedule recordings ...
Elgato use also an Internet epg provider and I am happy about that one.

Thanks for your help
Duo2 is an Enigma-2 box , meaning that it can run all current plugins including internet based EPG ones (CrossEPG for example).

So in answer to your question YES it can download internet based EPG data. (normally only 7 days in advance), however with the amount of RAM available it might be able to store more than 7 days.