Error en cargar imagen VU+Solo


Vu+ Newbie
Buenas tardes

Tengo Vu+ Solo tengo un problema que lo conecto a la corriente y esta en la luz verde fija, intento meter imágenes por usb y no hace nada vamos que el pen parpadea pero no hace nada el deco todo en negro, pongo la imagen con el vu-util y me sale este error:

Hay manera de solucionarlo o

Fail to upgrade your machine (step:4 err-code:-21)

Alguien sabe cual es el motivo que salga este error??

Despues de salir este error el deco se queda en luz roja, y entonces si lo desconecto de la corriente y lo vuelvo a conectar pues sale la luz verde

From vuplus official web page:

Software Update
How to upgrade software for your VuPlus
Writer Administrator Date 2014-07-23 Hits 64438

  1. Download a zip file for your VuPlus model from ( containing the image for your vu solo zip file ) you want upgrade to your STB ( Set-Top-Box )
  2. Unzip the zip file and you will have vuplus folder and under the folder, you have another folder named after the model of your VuPlus set.
  3. Copy vuplus folder (including all the sub folders and files in it) to root folder of an USB memory ( Formated FAT32 ).
  4. Turn off your VuPlus set and insert the USB memory to USB port on the set.
  5. Turn on the set.
    • For Duo: Update is done when complete message is displayed on the VFD.
    • For Solo: Update is done when green light blinks on the front panel.
    • For Uno: Push Ch- button when message shows. Update is done when complete message is displayed on the VFD.
    • For Ultimo: Push - button when message shows. Update is done when complete message is displayed on the VFD.
    • For Solo2: Push power button when message shows. Update is done when complete message is displayed on the VFD.
    • For SoloSE: Update is in progress when the white light becomes gradually bright and dark on the front panel.
      Update is done when white light blinks on the front panel.

  6. Remove the USB memory and turn off the set and back on.
Best regards

Solucionado era un problema de ip que no tenia configurada el ip del deco y por eso me salia el error.Muchas gracias