Exact position of the ir eye on vu+ duo front panel


Vu+ Newbie
Could anybody help with that?

My VU+ DUO stands in a closed cabinet, and I got a Harmony 900 to controll everything with, which works fine.

The 900 remote comes with a radio transmitter/receiver on which some IR eyes are cable connected. The IR eyes are adhesive and ment to put exactly on the IR receiver on the front panel, but my problem is I cannot find it. To make it function properly the exact position is important.

The IR eyes are adhesive and ment to put exactly on the IR receiver on the front panel, but my problem is I cannot find it. To make it function properly the exact position is important.
The exact position is of no importance at all: just stick it somewhere on the front and it will work just fine (same here). Or: on the inside of the door of the closed cabinet, just opposite the frontpanel.