External HDD Crashes my Vu Solo SE v2


Vu+ Newbie
Hi there ive had a scout about the forum to see if i can find an answer to my problem but not had any luck.

I have a Solo SE v2 genuine box and i am running iptv on it.

ive encountered a couple of hurdles that ive managed to sort out but im still struggling with one or two.

My box is running openvix .013 release and i have tried using an external SATA hard drive to record to but

when i hit record it seems to work for a few seconds then the picture starts to break up and the box crashes.

ive gone into the settings and initialised the hdd but this hasnt solved the problem.

Other than this i cannot get the EPG to work and was told id need the atest epg downloader .
i deleted the one installed and downloaded it again but still it doesnt work.

If anyone can help me out id be greatrful
Unfortunately, openvix is not supported in this forum because this is the Black Hole forum.
But you can ask the question in the forum of openvix.