fan 12v DUO2

The plug which connects the HDD (hard disk) has 12V and 5V.
Yellow + 12V
Black GND (ground) - 12V
Red + 5V
Black GND (ground) - 5V


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can you tell where to connect the fan 12v?
that cables are the fan is 2 pins or 3 pins?
and there is no problem in connecting the power to the hdd?

I'm afraid to call and spoil the DUO2
I called first fan to 12V yellow and black HDD plug.
Or purchase portable pc fan that directly connects the rear USB port.
Puts the fan on top of the VU + upside down.
Have you considered using something like this, it is a fan designed for the dreamboxes, but works with most receivers, and doesn't require you to mess with the internal workings of the VU+ receiver.
USB fan 1.jpg
USB fan 2.jpg
Would you be kind enough to hint where you got it at ? Really appreciate that. Thank you .
You can get them in lots of places, and very cheaply, just search for Dreambox USB fan, and you should find it.
Yeah thanks, but wouldn´t be easier if you just tell me where you got yours ? Me think. I did search Ebay and Amazon got nada, that´s why. Well thanks all the same, you still the man.
I'm not using one, they are built for old dreamboxes, and are available on Ebay, as well as other places: