Find or search on Chanel list


Vu+ Newbie
hello everyone
I have the VU+ uno 4k
With blackhole image
I couldn’t find a search button on the remote
Or any search on the menu except for the limited search peg
How can i search for a Chanel on the Chanel list
Is their a plug-in or hidden option that I missed
Please help
Regards to all
Why not add more bouquets, so that you can find the channels easier?
If you have a motorized system you can add 19.2E, Films, 19.2E, Comedy, etc..
thank you guys for the reply
however I do not think I have expressed myself well "English is not my native language :)"
in all other receivers I had there was a find button that you press to find a channel by name
from all the hundreds of channels on the list
so if I want canal+
I just type in any part of the name and a small window will list the related channels
so type canal and all channels starting with canal are there
no need to search for it manually
so to add a channel to the bouquets I need to find it first wich is hard when u have thousands of channels.
best regards
and thanks to all
I'm now using Open Black Hole, but the same options might apply.
If you go into your channel list, then press the yellow button, you should get the providers listed, to select from, as well as other choices, from different buttons.
You can also use the Dreambox tools, like dreamboxedit, to download your channel list, onto your PC, edit it, add bouquets, transfer channels, to the bouquets, view your list by satellite, with other options to only view unencrypted, new, etc..
Once finished you can then FTP the amended channel list back to your receiver.
You'll learn that enigma2 receivers and their images work differently from other decoders. So, even if there is not "search options" of channels, you have two ways to have an easier life.

1) The most important thing in enigma2 is the fact that, differently from normal decoders, there is no sense in having ALL the channels together (as I was forced to have, for instance, in my old Humax 5400...): here you should take advantage of BOUQUETS, that means customized group of channels where a user stores the channels. For instance, you can create a MAIN BOUQUET only for the channel you watch more often; then another for the SPORT channels; another for the ENGLISH ones, and so on... These are just examples, of course. Note that a channel can be put in as many bouquets as you like. So if a sport channel is in the second bouquet in my example, it doesn't mean it cannot be also in the MAIN.
2) All the other channels that are not in any of your personal bouquets, are always accessible in 3 ways. Press UP/DOWN to access the list of channels and then you can see the list of channels:
-ALL TOGETHER (pressing the red button -ALL) ;
-SAT-DVB-T (pressing the green button) where you can choose the satellites you have or the terrestrial, if you have;
-Providers (pressing yellow button).

So, for instance, by UP/DOWN and then red button, you have the "old", complete list of channels where they are sort in alphabetical order and it's quite fast to get to the channel you want.
If you install OBH instead of BH, you can also jump to the first channel starting by a letter pressing the corresponding key on your remote. For instance: if you want to jump to the first channel whose name starts by the letter "K", you press the "5" key on your remote (twice or 3 times, depending on how you configure this function).

Remember, also, that the bouquets can be arranged in the order you want and the channels in the first of the list of bouquets will get the numbers from 1, 2, on...
If you install OBH instead of BH, you can also jump to the first channel starting by a letter pressing the corresponding key on your remote. For instance: if you want to jump to the first channel whose name starts by the letter "K", you press the "5" key on your remote (twice or 3 times, depending on how you configure this function).
And here's another gem from OBH! :)
Thanks, I didn't know this.