Format HDD


Vu+ Newbie
I've got a VU+ Solo2 with BH 2.1.5. I've been using a 32Gb flash usb for recording successfully. I now want to use a Seagate 500Gb external HDD to do the same but I'm having problems. I managed to create a partition via the Wizard but when I then try to format the HDD - I wait for up to an hour with the HDD light flashing but the screen is locked on 'Farmatting' and I have to power off from the back of the receiver to bring the system back up again. Any help will be appreciated, thanks.
Hi Pimpernel :)

I don't have a receiver but I will try to help... Is it a HDD on the eSata port ? Can't you format it on your laptop for example, knowing the file system the Solo2 requires ? You can try ext4 but you need Linux to do that, or a Linux partitioner LiveCD, you can try Gparted
Thank you all. It looks like I resolved my problem and that I was following the wrong approach. Just in case it may help others here's how I did it. Plugged my HDD to my PC and deleted its partition. Then I connected my HDD to my VU and rebooted via the back switch. Then Menu> System> Setup> Hardisk> Initialise. I then reset the recording paths.