i installed the latest bouquets with latest frequencys using DreamboxEdit , and all channel works great just btsport Hd 1 and 2 and Espn are black with 0 signal even the frequency are exactly how should be ...
Please can anyone send me some new bouquests like Vhannival or any other uploader ... and what i can do to fix the channels to works again , i have VU+ solo original
Thank you
i installed the latest bouquets with latest frequencys using DreamboxEdit , and all channel works great just btsport Hd 1 and 2 and Espn are black with 0 signal even the frequency are exactly how should be ...
Please can anyone send me some new bouquests like Vhannival or any other uploader ... and what i can do to fix the channels to works again , i have VU+ solo original
Thank you