Glitch BH...

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Vu+ Newbie
Hi, I got my Duo2 home yesterday and started playing for an hour..

Now, I've not got a clue what I'm doing but I'm slowly learning off here! So thanks for the info.. Could do with a dummys guide though. Lol.

I've come from a Dreambox 800se hd with openpli pre installed onto it.
It's only ever crashed once on me and that was using *******.

I flashed the latest BH image to the duo2 and it's bloody crashing left right and centre. Even trying to set up the Satellite..

Is this normal?

Another question what is the difference between BH and Vix?
I know they are different images by different teams but are they aimed at different users or people with different levels of skill.

Thanks in advance.
What's up with the filter on t ess m?
Sorry but as said I'm new to this and don't understand why it's a bad word...
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