BlackHole-1.7.7-vuuno light Avalon" universe
500 gb hd swap file
8gb usb stick extend flash using usb stick
MgCamd_1.38 use this + ******* file opens what open fine
ram use 63%
swap 0%
flash 73%
problem 1 every time i go to any HD chanel it crashes
problem 2 want to put picons in hd or usb to save flash memory
works in media/usb/picon (put this is stored in flash not usb)
not in media/hdd/picon
BlackHole-1.7.7-vuuno light Avalon" universe
500 gb hd swap file
8gb usb stick extend flash using usb stick
MgCamd_1.38 use this + ******* file opens what open fine
ram use 63%
swap 0%
flash 73%
problem 1 every time i go to any HD chanel it crashes
problem 2 want to put picons in hd or usb to save flash memory
works in media/usb/picon (put this is stored in flash not usb)
not in media/hdd/picon