HDD Folders


Vu+ Newbie
Hi there

I've just moved from PLi to BH and I can't find a way to view all the subfolders on my HDD. Do I need to activate this as an option in the settings somewhere?

Thanks guys
Thanks for replying.
It is mounted already, so I can see the movie folder on the hdd. The problem is that I cannot see the subfolders that I've made i.e. hdd_movie_comedy etc
They used to show up as folders on PLi, but now I only see what's in hdd_movie
Press the button twice, that shows your reordings, the second time it should show a directory.
Have you tried accessing the hard drive using FileZilla, or the VU+ Control Centre?
Press the button twice, that shows your reordings, the second time it should show a directory.
Have you tried accessing the hard drive using FileZilla, or the VU+ Control Centre?
Thanks I'll give that a whirl.
Haven't used FileZilla or the control centre, I'd never even heard of that!