hdmi cec configuration


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all, I have vu + uno and tv samsung 40c650, I have activated cec tv and vu +, when I start vu + tv sets in the hdmi 1 (work fine), but when I turn off the vu + tv stays on HDMI1 and TV does not change,
What option is to put on TV so when I put vu + in standby?
Hi all, I have vu + uno and tv samsung 40c650, I have activated cec tv and vu +, when I start vu + tv sets in the hdmi 1 (work fine), but when I turn off the vu + tv stays on HDMI1 and TV does not change,
What option is to put on TV so when I put vu + in standby?
Did you cec all the options in hdmicec plugin?
I have image Bh 1.7.3, my plugin hdmi-cec configuration is:
tv on => vu + activity: nothing
TV standby => vu + activity: vu + standby
vu + on => tv activity: active source
vu + standby => tv activity: inactive source

the samsung settings 40c650 is:
Anynet + (HDMI-CEC): active
automatic off: inactive