Hello and VU support


Vu+ Newbie
Hello and thanks for having me. I am trying to find info on if VU DUO supports North American sats. I am really interested in this receiver but can not find any info on weather it does or does not support them. According to what I read the receiver supports 8psk, we use here. I did try and search vu+north american sats, as I'm sure this questions has been asked before, but no luck finding it here in the forum for me. Specifically I'm looking to hit sats 82/91/110/119/129 all West here in the states. Thank you for any time and information and having me at the site.

Thank you so much for answering my question. Very much appreciated. I'm tired of all the crappy receivers we get here lol I will have to look for a supplier and correct 8psk board now. What a relief to know that I don't have to put up with the garbage anymore! lol