Help lost media/hdd content


Vu+ Newbie
Guys can you help

I was stupidly messing about with XBMC on my VU+ solo2 running blackhole 1.17 as i had loaded something and it messed up all the fonts and i could not see the text properly reset it, so i copied a version of userdata folder from within XBMC folders on another box and i thought it had gone OK as i could now see a fresh version of XBMC.

However that's where the problems started, after the missus setting her recordings last night from the EPG she sat down to watch them later on, but only to find when going into videos there was nothing had record and not only that all my other previous recordings had gone, plus when FTP'ing into the box using DCC, all that was present within the media/hdd folder was crossepg and nothing else.

i have had something like this happen before but I got the drive visible again somehow but it was not the easiest of jobs as i was going around in circles and i lost everything.

i am not too bothered about previous recordings but would like to get it functioning properly again.

if anyone can help it would be much appreciated.

the ninja
Do you mean Black Hole version 2.17?
Was this the version with the Skin problem, that required you go into the menu and download the default skin, to get the HDD working properly?
Check other threads, on the forum, regarding HDD problems, or Black Hole 2.17 problems.
Hi Mick thanks for your reply and apologies for the typo you are correct it is 2.17, however my HDD was working fine until i messed with the XBMC folders and now the HDD is not working properly as i cannot record or timeshift and cannot see any old recordings. just checked and XBMC it is still working but i do not know where the folder is stored now the HDD is only showing crossepg folder.

any thoughts anyone.

the nnja
guys bit the bullet and re-flashed with the latest blackhole 3.0.1 F, however my HDD is still not functioning correctly. as an update on what i am seeing
  • loaded new image
  • hdd is detected and it shows make and size in menu-system hard drive settings
  • file system check fails
  • blue - blue - device manager says make of hdd buy says not mapped, when choosing to mount and reboot upon reboot still the same.
  • i have tried copying /dev/sda1 /media/hdd auto defaults 0 0 to the bottom of FSTAB file but still nothing
still stuck and missus driving me up the wall because i cannot record anything.

The Ninja
tried this as well

umount /dev/sda1


mount /dev/sda1

then got this result

root@vusolo2:~# umount /dev/sda1
umount: can't umount /dev/sda1: Invalid argument
root@vusolo2:~# mount /dev/sda1
NTFS signature is missing.
Failed to mount '/dev/sda1': Invalid argument
The device '/dev/sda1' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?
FUSE exfat 1.1.0
ERROR: exFAT file system is not found.
mount: mounting /dev/sda1 on /media/hdd failed: Invalid argument
Can you remove your hard drive and try it on your PC?
As it's a SATA hard drive it should be easy to install, and check, on your PC, as you can boot up windows, as normal, then check if anything is visible, on the other hard drive.
Also check on the manufacturers website for any repair tools, or known problems.
If you also have a spare SATA hard drive you can try fitting that, and then see if that will work.

i have had a similar issue before and i ran some tools on telnet and got it going again after a reformat albeit i lost all my recorded media although i am not fussed about that, however i cannot remember what i did before.

thanks again
the ninja