Help needed no picture

Andreas A

Vu+ Newbie
Hi all. I want to flash my Vu solo but I'm unsure what image to use. Can anyone recommend one to use and a possible guide to set it up? Thanks in advance
Please confirm which model, VU+ receiver, you have, as it is important.
The VU+ Solo is very old now, replaved by the VU+ Solo SE, VU+ Solo SE v2, and the VU+ Solo 4K.
Personally I wouldn't bother with a new image, as the Solo is probably the slowest, of the VU+ models, with the least RAM.
You can try some older Black Hole images, like 1.7.9:

During the flashing process, you will be given options, on how to setup your picture, tuner, network, etc.. via the wizards.
You can back up your channels, and Bouquets, if you already have them, using dreamboxedit, available in the VU+ Tools section:

Have you read the various guides?