Help please with recording problems


Vu+ Newbie
I recently bought a VuSolo2 which is fitted with one LNB. I recorded Lewis via the EPG but when I came to watch, the title was there but empty (0MB) this happened twice. I have now deleted the entry and re- programmed but dont know if it will work.

2. I recorded another programm tonight but at the time I decided to watch it live. When I tried to switch to that channel, I got a black screen and an error message. This has also happened before . I then cancelled the recording and watched it live.

What I am doing wrong?
Can you please tell us what image you are running? If Black Hole 2.1.7 have you changed the skin to default?
What make/model hard drive do you have, and is it connected internally, or by USB?
Excuse my ignorance but I have never heard of Black Hole.
I have an internal hard drive 500MB.
I have recorded programms but still seem to have these strange issues
Black Hole is an image, designed for VU+ receivers.
Who set your receiver up for you?
How long have you owned it?
You are probably running the original software, which might need updating.
Before doing anything else I advise you read all the VU+ Solo 2 guides, on the forum, so you know what your receiver is capable of, and especially read how to map the hard drive.
Did you fit the hard drive? It might be faulty and require testing, or it might not be formatted, or mapped, correctly.
Do you know how to use FileZilla, or other programs, you run from your PC, to communicate with your VU+ Solo 2?
You might also want to check that your VU+ Solo 2 is genuine, and not a clone.
I have had my receiver a few weeks. It was set up by the guy from the SAT shop who installed my dish etc.
I don't really want to start learning a new hobby, I just want to watch TV.
I had hoped my problem would ring a bell with someone, who could say: you should do this or that.
If its that difficult I will ring the shop.
I have read the manual and as far as I can see, there isn't much I can do wrong.
As I said I have recorded but this problem seems to remain.
Thanks anyway.
Your receiver isn't a simple plug, and play, piece of technology, it's more like a Linux based computer, capable of carrying out a large variety of tasks.
If all you wanted was a simple receiver, to view/record television, then your supplier shouldn't have advised you to get a VU+ Solo 2.
If you trust your supplier, and have no interst in learning how to use your receiver, then contact them, explaining the problem, and have them repair it. If it's a faulty hard drive then you might want to request a larger hard drive, as you can soon fill up a 500GB, with HD recordings, especially if you want to keep them.
Excuse my ignorance but I have never heard of Black Hole.
I have an internal hard drive 500MB.
I have recorded programms but still seem to have these strange issues
You have never heard of Black Hole ?
How have you ended up here ? Home of Black Hole :wallbash:
I'm obviously on the wrong forum.
I only want to know why my receiver does not record certain programmes.
Only certain programs? I thought you meant it didn't record any programs.
As you are only using one LNB imput I'd check the menu, and set the preferred tuner from Auto to the LNB input you're using.
it would help if you knew anything about your receiver, especially what image is loaded. Ask your supplier, as he set it up.
Example of my problem.
I programmed it to record two programms today as a test.
1 Location Location on 4/7 at 1800
2 News on ITV at 1930
Just before 1800 the receiver switched to 4/7 and recorded. i could watch the programm at the same time. When I checked later it had recorded.
i left the receiver on and just before 1930 it changed to ITV. When I checked later it said 0MB.
Although it showed as a recorded programm, it was empty..
This is what happened with previous programms I had tried to record. They show up in the list but with 0MB (empty)
My settings say " prefered tuner - deactivated" and "about" vusolo2 and Openpli4
This sounds more like a problem with your image, and settings.
I assume the Tuner is set to Simple, Single, Astra 2?
The other program, you mentioned, that didn't record, was this on ITV also?
ITV HD have numerous variations, on 28.2E, have you tried any of the other channels?
You need to find someone using Open Pli 4, as you might have guessed, by browsing the forum, most of us are using the Black Hole image, and don't have any problems, with multiple recordings. The only reason you should experience any problems, is if you are trying to record 2 channels, on different transponders, at the same time, in which case you should get a warning when setting up the timer.
You could try manually scanning in the channels again, using the clear before scan option, you can find full details, of the channels, on lyngsat: