Help VU+ Solo Gossed


Vu+ Newbie
Hello Guys,

I am a newbie to posting on this forum. Came home the other to find my box not working for some reason Its also show a date of Jan 2000. It also goes back to that date everytime I reboot. (apparently someone knocked the power it whilst putting up the Xmas Tree, My youngest child in her wisdom then tried to put it right). I can seem to date the date and time. What could the problem be ? Your help would be appriciated..... Thanks in advance. By the way the missus is going mad so please help if you can.
Hello Guys,

I am a newbie to posting on this forum. Came home the other to find my box not working for some reason Its also show a date of Jan 2000. It also goes back to that date everytime I reboot. (apparently someone knocked the power it whilst putting up the Xmas Tree, My youngest child in her wisdom then tried to put it right). I can seem to date the date and time. What could the problem be ? Your help would be appriciated..... Thanks in advance. By the way the missus is going mad so please help if you can.

Date & Time are updated via Satellite / Terrestrial / Cable Ttransponder Time.
Tune a channel and all should come back to normal state.

If it's the wrong response, please explain better your poblem
Thanks for your quick response, I tried connecting to channels etc on 28.2 e. That doesn't seem to have cleared the problem. I even tried to do a manual rescan of this Satelite, The box is saying it found nothing (In term of channels). All satellites are still listed on the Satelite tab with no channels showing when pointed to it.
By the way a few days before that I selected a satellite from the satelitte list and then came back to 28.2e. From that time onwards the Picture was always fussy, I just put it down to the bad weather we were having at the time. even though It had never done that before, Even in bad weather.
By the way a few days before that I selected a satellite from the satelitte list and then came back to 28.2e. From that time onwards the Picture was always fussy, I just put it down to the bad weather we were having at the time. even though It had never done that before, Even in bad weather.

try to update your satelite xml file from here!
Hello Again,

I think I might have a clue as to what is going on. When I reboot the box, It is tell me that "Enigma 2" is loading, this never actually seem to finish. If I have to reinstall from scrach. Is there a simple note (Or methodology/ page) I can follow in order to do this for myself. a911 Thanks for your reply but sorry wouldn't know what to do. Thanks For you help
Hello Again,

I think I might have a clue as to what is going on. When I reboot the box, It is tell me that "Enigma 2" is loading, this never actually seem to finish. If I have to reinstall from scrach. Is there a simple note (Or methodology/ page) I can follow in order to do this for myself. a911 Thanks for your reply but sorry wouldn't know what to do. Thanks For you help

Read Here>
& few other posts to get your self more acquainted (make familiar) with the STB you have!
Thanks you all guys for your response and even looking at the thread. I shall give it a go and will definitely inform you off the result good or bad, Thanks and your care is very well appreciated.
Gents/Ladies (Sure there are some ) :)

I am starting from scratch with regards to building the STB. I need to keep the existing config on the box, I also still have FTP access to the box, What files do I have to save using FTP. Another question is about boot loader, a911 kindly pointed me to the image i need, Does that image contain the boot Loader or do I have to down the Loader separate from somewhere if so where ? So basically I would like to install a new image but use the existing config on the box. I tried to copy the files on the existing USB on my Laptop, But the laptop keeps telling me the disk needs formatting hence my question. Anything else I might have missed in terms of questions, Answer would be most welcome. Thanks in advance