Help with crashlog...

Jan Suhr

Vu+ Newbie
As some of you know I have set up a Solo2 box to run as a client to two other VU+ boxes that share its tuners.

I have some problems with the client box that regulary crashes after about 20-30 minutes.

I have collected the crashlogs and here is the most recent one enclosed.

I need help to understand what causes the crashes.

The box was previously connected to the dish so it maybe has a few unnecessary plugins that might conflict with the current setup.




As some of you know I have set up a Solo2 box to run as a client to two other VU+ boxes that share its tuners.

I have some problems with the client box that regulary crashes after about 20-30 minutes.

I have collected the crashlogs and here is the most recent one enclosed.

I need help to understand what causes the crashes.

The box was previously connected to the dish so it maybe has a few unnecessary plugins that might conflict with the current setup.


Yes the problem is clear from your crashlog.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/CrossEPG/", line 135, in poll
    ltime = (self.cacheYear, self.cacheMonth, self.cacheDay, self.config.download_daily_hours, self.config.download_daily_minutes, 0, ttime[6], ttime[7], ttime[8])
AttributeError: 'CrossEPG_Auto' object has no attribute 'cacheYear'
(PyObject_CallObject(<bound method CrossEPG_Auto.poll of <class 'Plugins.SystemPlugins.CrossEPG.crossepg_auto.CrossEPG_Auto'>>,()) failed)
getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.sendAnonCrashlog failed !!

The problem is that crossepg crashes because the box have not a time set (it cannot get time from transponder i suppose because it is not connected to the dish)
You have to disable crossepg.

That was what I suspected. You'll see in my other recent post that I asked for a way to set the time on the box.

I tried the ntpdate plugin to solve that but I couldn't make it to work. I have asked the author of it for guidance but haven't received any info yet.
